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Did you get promoted and wish to celebrate? Are you feeling down? If so, you may be thinking about getting a gift for yourself to celebrate or to cheer yourself up. Giving yourself a gift once in a while is an excellent idea. This practice is called self-gifting and can be a fantastic way to keep your motivation going by rewarding yourself with gifts for your accomplishments or just for getting through the grind. Also, self-gifting is a great pick-me-up for when you are down or stuck in a rut! In fact this article by Cornell University describes scientifically proven benefits of self-gifting. If you are still unsure whether you should gift yourself, check out our blog post covering the topic. Ok, so you decided you want to treat yourself to a gift, but then the question comes: What do you actually want? We can often get so stuck in things that we completely forget what we want! In this day and age, we so rarely treat ourselves to a gift or get offered a gift, so it is really important that we pick a gift we really, really want! Fear not, whether you want to gift yourself or someone asked you what gift you want, we got you covered! We have prepared a full guide to take you through how to think of gift ideas for yourself. We will cover the step-by-step processes and techniques to help you figure out which gift you really want! If you are still unsure after reading this guide, why not let our team suggest gifts specifically tailored to you free of charge? To get started, head over to our gift questionnaire.
1.Remind yourself of your wishlists:
First, let’s cover off the basics. The first place to look for your dream gift are your wishlists. Over time, you accumulated a digital treasure trove of gift ideas just waiting to be rediscovered. There may be many amazing gift ideas you would love just waiting for you there as you forgot all about them! The process here is simple:
- First, identify the main wishlists you have created in the past. To find those, look at wishlists of the shops you commonly shop at and shops catering to your main hobbies/interests.
- Now, remove any wishlists that do not immediately excite you. These are not going to be the perfect gifts for you!
- Out of the remaining wishlists, pick the one that excites you the most. Let your heart guide you. Your heart will know whether it is a wishlist of Steam games you want to be looking at, or your Amazon wishlist.
- Now, looking at your chosen wishlist, immediately remove any items that are no longer relevant, out of your budget, or simply don’t excite you. If your heart does not skip a beat when you just look at the item, then this is not the gift you want.
- Now, once you have narrowed down the items you really want, make a reasoned decision. Let your heart, but also your brain, guide you. Consider which gift you currently need more and which gift is more practical. You certainly don’t want any gifts you know deep down will just cause you more problems.
- And just like that, you have your desired gift!
- None of the items on your wishlist excite you? Continue reading, as we will go over more ways to identify your perfect gift!
This is a really simple technique for identifying your perfect gift, but of course, it is quite limited by the fact that you need to have preexisting wishlists. Didn’t find anything you loved in the wishlists? Never fear, we have plenty more steps to help you find the gift you love!
2.Consider upgrading one of your initial gift ideas:

Example of how to upgrade your self-gift idea.
If you have some initial ideas that you sort of like, but you are not THAT excited by them, this technique may help uncover the gift you really want! The idea here is to take a gift you sort of like and think of different ways to upgrade it. To illustrate what we mean, let’s have a look at an example.
Let’s say you like tea. The most obvious gift is a bag of quality tea. But that doesn’t quite do it for you, as you probably already have a good bag of tea leaves. Now let’s think about how we can upgrade from a bag of tea by looking at what happens around that bag of tea.
- You brew tea the same way every morning. Maybe it’s time for a change, and you could invest in a quality cold tea brewer!
- Maybe you’d rather turn it into an experience and book yourself in for a tea tasting session, where you can taste and appreciate multiple teas as part of a social and enjoyable experience!
- Or maybe you’re not as excited about a bag of tea because it is only a singular type of tea, and you can’t decide which one to buy? How about you buy a multi-tea taster bundle? That way, you will have plenty of flavors to try! We personally like the bundle from Whittard of Chelsea, offering 9 different teas for you to try.
- Perhaps you find that you don’t make yourself the high-quality loose-leaf tea purely because preparing it causes a mess, which you have to clean up every time. If this is the case, you might want a handheld hoover, which will help you clean up any mess from the tea with no fuss!

An infographic of top questions you should consider when trying to upgrade your original gift idea
As you can see with this technique, we take the ordinary gift and elevate it into something a bit more extraordinary by putting a twist on it. If you wish to see more in-depth examples of upgrading gifts, check out our guide specifically covering how to upgrade ordinary gifts, complete with examples.
3. Analyse your daily routines to search for the perfect gift:
So, the last two methods for finding a gift for yourself that we discussed require you to have some idea of what kind of gifts you would like. But what if you have absolutely no clue what you would like? Well, if this is the case, you may find this approach incredibly helpful. The idea here is almost like a reverse version of the previous technique. Where previously we took an item we like and upgraded it into a gift we love by looking at circumstances around the item, here we will take the opposite approach to identify the gift by analysing your daily routine. This method is fantastic for identifying functional gifts you truly need! Let’s walk through an example:
- So, you wake up in the morning feeling groggy – perhaps it is time to upgrade your waking up game by gifting yourself a sunrise alarm.
- Then you grab an instant coffee, and its bitter taste assaults your taste buds – maybe you could gift yourself a French press and a coffee grinder to let you make a far better coffee every morning.
- At work lunchtime, you are eating homemade sandwiches – how about you treat yourself to a pre-prepared meal service to save you time and add some variety to your lunches!
- Back at home from work, you wish to go to the gym, which is your hobby, but having to wait and pay for public transport is a right pain! – how about you treat yourself to a bike?
- Finally, you go to sleep, but sometimes you feel tense – maybe a weighted blanket is your gift of choice?

An infographic showing an example of generation of gift ideas for yourself by analysing your daily routine
As you can see in the above example, we come up with gifts that will make any aspect of your daily routine better or just that little bit more comfortable. A good idea is to take stock of a couple of routines to do this exercise on. After all, our weekend routines differ from weekday ones.
4.Mix it up:
Finally, you can take any of the described techniques and mix them together to find a perfect gift for yourself! For example, you notice your instant coffee part of the morning routine could be improved. Well, how could it be improved? Just so it happens, an espresso machine is sitting in your wishlist. Boom, you found your gift!

A graphic showing an example of using multiple aforementioned methods together, in order to generate a gift idea you will love
In this guide, we covered our favorite steps on how to think up a gift for yourself. These steps will ensure you don’t just like your gift but absolutely love it! Now that you have found your dream gift, all you have to do is buy it and make the whole experience of you interacting with the gift extra special. We prepared a guide covering exactly how to turn the self-gifting experience into something truly unforgettable!
However, if you are still stumped as to what to get yourself for a gift, why not let our team of experts suggest a gift for you? To get started, head over to our gift questionnaire!
Remember, self-gifting is a wonderful way to celebrate your accomplishments, reward yourself for your hard work, or simply uplift your spirits. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself once in a while. After all, you deserve it! So go ahead, explore the exciting world of self-gifting, and let your imagination run wild as you discover the perfect gift for yourself. Happy self-gifting!
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